School Lunches
Nutritiously delicious school meals are available for our pupils each day, cooked by our excellent kitchen staff right here on the premises.
We have now received information from the new school meals provider CH & Co regarding their school lunch ordering system (BlueRunner)
The new platform will allow you to:-
- Order your child’s meals in advance, with a simple few clicks as are highlighted below
- Have full sight of the upcoming menu choices available at your child’s school
- Save your card details online for a swifter check out
- Access the system from your Mobile Device to allow you to order wherever you are.
Please find attached documents giving instructions on how to register and order your child’s meals:-
It is important that we have up to date information about specific allergies.
Please note that if your child does not have a school meal on a date already booked, because of a trip or illness, you will not be charged for this day and the amount will be held in credit.
Our school meals cost £2.25 each
Universal Free School Meals For Early Years and Key Stage 1 Children
Every pupil in reception, year 1 and 2 is eligible for free school meals. In January 2015, new food standards were introduced. By following these standards, we can be sure that our children will get the nutrition they need across the whole school day.
We believe that the school lunchtime is a great opportunity for all our children to sit down together and enjoy their healthy and tasty meal, while developing their social skills. We therefore hope that all parents will take up this offer of a free school meal for our infant children.
If you do not wish for your child to eat a school lunch, please provide a packed lunch and let the school office know that this is your choice.
Packed lunches
If your child is having a packed lunch, we ask that these provide a healthy balance of food that your child will eat. Please ensure sandwich fillings and snacks are not chocolate based.
Packed lunches should include:
- at least one portion of fruit and one portion of vegetables every day.
- meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, chickpeas, hummus and falafel) every day
- oily fish, such as salmon, at least once every three weeks
- a starchy food such as any type of bread, pasta, rice, couscous, noodles, potatoes or other type of cereals every day
- dairy food such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, fromage frais or custard everyday