Year 4 Owl Class
Welcome to Owl Class!
Our Year 4 team : Miss Forsey and Mrs Hollands (Weds) supported by Mrs Thompson (Tues-Fri).
In Year 4, we consolidate and build upon the children's knowledge and skills learnt in Year 3. Our goal is to support the children in acquiring greater independence and resilience, take increased responsibility and develop self-motivation over the year, as we prepare them for Upper Key Stage 2.
On our class webpage you will find our Yearly Overview which outlines our topics. Each term, a new curriculum map will become available to inform you about what we will be learning. Further down the page, you'll find the current spelling booklets as well as some useful websites that you can use to support your child's learning at home or for them to extend their knowledge further through independent study.
The Year 4 Team look forward to working with you to ensure that your child has a happy and successful year.
Thank you for your continued support at home.
Useful links to support your Year 4 child at home throughout the year
Times Tables :
Term 3
Please refer to the Term 3 Curriculum Map below to find out what we are learning this term. We have lots of things happening this term, including our residential trip meeting and our Viking Day!